Saturday, October 4, 2008

Reflection of a Glorious Sunset at Chennai!!

Being a Saturday, I had a half day at work and therefore decided to have a siesta in the afternoon. Windows shut, Curtains pulled and AC on, and off I went to sleep. Woke up at about 5:30 pm, made myself a cup of tea and came back into the room to watch TV while sipping the tea. Decided to open the windows and let some fresh air in, and this is what I saw - the sun was very bright behind a dark cloud. Waited for a while mesmerised by the beauty of the 'dark clouds with silver linings'. Imagine the all powerful sun can also be blanked out by a dark cloud....though only for a while. How true about life too. The other way to look at it is that even the dark cloud has a silver lining. Anyway, suddenly saw the reflection of the sun on the window pane - the colour bright orange, just touching the clouds with coconut trees in the foreground. Made a beautiful sight. Clicked it. Enjoy this glorious sunset at Chennai captured on my TV room western window pane!!!!!!!

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